
I Was, Now I Am

November 21, 2018

I had dreams and visions of what my tomorrow would look like. I saw the future. It was bright and promising.

The seed was planted, watered and began to germinate.

Then circumstances happened. Challenges happened. Disappointments happened. Life happened. And they got chopped down, mowed down and left to rot and die.

I let it die in my heart. Despair had its way. Maybe I showed it the way. And death followed suit.

Or so I thought.

On the outside it was dead. It looked dead. And that was enough for the enemy of progress to keep me down.

For a while, it stayed that way. Plain nothingness, emptiness and dryness like the sun-scorched desert where nothing thrives.

But there was this rumbling underneath. This tsunami brewing in the core of my being; struggling to burst forth.

I struggled to keep it down. I fought this thing within, thinking where and how do you want to thrive.

Everything around points to dryness, hopelessness and death. You’ve been buried in the wilderness of death. Nothing can live or thrive here anymore.

Oh, how I was wrong. It fought and fought until I could resist no more…

It came bursting out like a newborn babe from the womb of its tired mother

It broke through like a sprout of a new leaf from the moist soil.

Only this time, it came from ‘nothingness’.

Like the grave could not hold the Saviour of Life

My purpose, my dream, my vision could not stay dead.

Bursting out from the grave, new life came from ‘death’

Rivers of ideas are flowing in this desert

Orchards are blooming with creativity in this wilderness

I said to myself, what or who on earth can stop you? Nothing! Nobody!

This is my story….

I was, but now I am!

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  • Reply Samuel Etuokwu November 22, 2018 at 10:04 am

    Beautiful piece. He will always bring beauty from our pains.
    Passion, hope and faith keeps us up even when we are surrounded by emptiness and stark nothingness.

    We are, because He is. #KeepBelieving

    • Reply Iboro Tonye-Edet November 22, 2018 at 10:14 am

      Thank you so much for the encouragement my friend.

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